Decades ago, only luxury cars came with air conditioners and even then they were an expensive option. However, now, almost every new car in certain parts of the country are equipped with the feature and they've become more powerful and more efficient at the same time. They do make working on some cars more expensive because they block easy access to other parts and accessories that need to be maintained so there is that to consider. But, in some parts of the country the summers are long and hot, and sitting in traffic without air is absolute torture. Here are some of the things you should do keep your air conditioner in top shape by auto regassing service in Gold Coast.
You Should Inspect Your Air Conditioner Regularly
When it's new there is very little that will go wrong with it since most of the parts have a long history of service ahead of them. As long as you aren't involved in any kind of accident, your air should work nicely for years to come. You should, however, get used to inspecting the belts that make it work and any hoses that are exposed.
Belts do wear out after about 5 years but you should never let them break on their own, you should just replace all of them at the same time at 4-year intervals. Some will wear faster and others slower depending on their usage and the applications. Belts that get dirty and greasy will wear out faster and should be your bellwether to replace all belts at the same time. A broken belt can cause serious damage to other parts under the hood, leave you stranded on the side of the road, and cost you a tow charge that costs way more than replacing the belts.
As for the hoses, you should look for leaks, both with the engine running and with it off to see if there is any residue. They should last a minimum of 5 to 7 years, but again, always replace them before there's a problem, towing charges are far higher than the cost of regular maintenance.
In some cases, you can have the gas checked to see if any has leaked out. Other times you just have to have it refilled on a yearly basis, depending on the system that you have. The problem is, there will always be tiny amounts of air conditioner coolant that leak from the compressor pump and the two heat transfer units, one inside the car and the other under the hood. Some coolant has ultra violet dye in it that can be seen easily with an ultra violet light. This makes detection a lot easier if you don't have the equipment, your local repairman will.
When your air conditioner coolant is low, you'll notice that it no longer gets as cold as it did in the past. Also, when you pull up to a stop, it may start blowing warmer air since it's low on gas. You shouldn't ever wait until you get a warning sign, you should have your system checked at least once per year and have the gas recharged if needed at that time. Most air conditioner service locations also have special leak detecting sensors that can help locate the source of the leak no matter whether it's dyed or not. Half of the time it will be a worn out hose, one that you should have already replaced on your regular maintenance schedule. The other half of the time it will be in the compressor pump and that will need professional work by a qualified repair person.
Keeping cool in today's world is more important than ever with the rising temperatures, long traffic delays, and important meetings for our jobs. You should keep a regular schedule of inspections and service of your air conditioner to make sure it's always working, doesn't leave you stranded, and has the proper amount of coolant to do its job well.
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